Monday, May 31, 2010

Inside Out Jazz Awards

Today is the day! It's been alot of hard work for alot of people and I think everyone involved is really excited for this special evening!

Don't know what the Inside Out Jazz Awards are? Have you been living under a rock? Jeez....well I'll help you are some links about the event and the people involved...

I've been doing my small part to help support this wonderful thing by doing some headshots for the nominees as well as some product shots and I will also be shooting the event along with 3 other photographers.

This will be a night to be remembered!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My how time flies and pictures fade!

So my latest project for myself has been to get a photo restoration business up and running. Its been challenging but insanely fun! I love being able to bring so much joy to people just by restoring their most precious photographs! Here is some of what I've been up to.