I have successfully survived yet another move, the 3rd in less than a year, actually! This is by far the best place so far since coming to Seattle, I now live in Upper Queen Anne. I have this amazing view of Magnolia, Lake Union and the Puget Sound, which has inspired a series I am now starting called "From the PERCH". I will be featuring images of our view and life in the new place!
So to start off the series, I'm posting the photos I took the first time we saw the place and fell in love with it.

Yes, the pink appliances were one of the things that won me over instantly...I had visions of my roommates and I hosting cocktail parties where I am cooking in the kitchen, wearing a 50's style dress with an apron and my hair in an updo!

This is the view from my bedroom window.

And last but certainly not least, the VIEW! Now, keep in mind these were taken using my point and shoot, enough said. In the coming days, I will be sharing my "real" images with you all.

Until then, I hope all is well and everyone is enjoying life!!