Sunday, October 31, 2010

Proper Etiquette- number 2


ToST Lounge

Videos from this night can be seen at


There are still many more to get through, I hope you have enjoyed checking out my images.

Monday, October 18, 2010

From the PERCH


Ok, so seriously, when is the last time you've seen the moon like this? It was so stunning! My roommates and I just stood there enjoying the view. It only lasted for a few minutes but it's not a view I will forget soon.

Earlier in the evening is was pretty fantastic as well!

Thats all I've got for From the PERCH this week but stay tuned because I'm editing like a mad woman trying to get caught up on all the recent shows I've done. Look forward to more Sewn Together, A Cedar Suede, Proper Etiquette, Bourgeois Bulletwound!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Proper Etiquette


ToST Lounge

Proper Etiquette

This is just a little sneak peak of the evening that unfolded! The show was amazingly fun, entertaining and a great photographic experience! I was so happy to be there to capture the images!

Don't worry, there is plenty more to come!

From The PERCH- The Fourth Installment

10.2.10- Beautiful clean night in Seattle!
You may notice the strange lights in the sky, I can not explain this, I couldn't see them but for all the image I took they were there, in the same spot..

10.11.10- SUN!!!
I don't think that I've actually put up any from this view point before now, I must say it is long overdue! The Puget Sound on the clear day is so amazing! My new goal will be to get a gorgeous overcast shot of the Puget Sound..not the easiest thing to do but I'm always looking for a new challenge!

On the one side of our house we have beautiful holly trees, today was my first day actually photographing them and I have to say it was very entertaining! These trees just remind me of Christmas, maybe in a few months I will get to post some images with snow on them.

This is today's Through the Window shot, courtesy of Cletus.

Cletus- The House Beast

Since our move last month, the house beast, Cletus has been so much happier and much more entertaining!

So today after giving her catnip and playing/laughing at her with all my roommates, I decided to follow her around with my camera.

Our first adventure took us out on the porch where she checked out the view and did some sunbathing. Our next adventure took us to my bedroom or as its becoming know, Cletus' room. She has fallen in love with my room especially my bed, but shes not picky about where she sleeps, one morning I watched her walk out of my closet...HILARIOUS!

As always I hope you enjoyed checking out my blog, have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

From the PERCH- The Third Installment

It has officially been just over a month that we have lived at the Perch, and I have to say, it hasn't all been roses and sunshine, but at the end of the day we are still very happy to be here!

9/9/10- Beautiful Day, playing with lens flare..

9/11/10- Our official housewarming party! We picked the perfect evening to show off our amazingly beauitful view!

Cletus thought it was pretty bright out! She walked right up and just stood with her head in the light, she's so funny!

Hope you have enjoyed your time checking out my images, thanks for stopping by!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cedar Suede

Cedar Suede is a group that I have been covering for a couple of shows with my roommate Taylor who has been filming them. Jamie plays the accordion and Harold plays the guitar, together they create the most incredibly unique music. You can check out some of their videos at

This show was on August 28th 2010 at the Rendezvous/ JewelBox Theater in Belltown

I have a slight obsession with the accordion, as does my roommate. Its just so beautiful!
I actually have an antique accordion at home in Minnesota that I want to get here and show Jamie.

This is not the last time you will be seeing Cedar Suede on my blog so if you enjoyed checking out the images make sure and stop back in the coming week and months!