Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sewn Together part 1

Sewn Together is a film short that my roommate Taylor wrote, produced and directed. I was lucky enough to be a part of the production of it and also captured moments throughout the entire 15 hour process. Those are some of the highlights of the day thus far, I took over 600 images and it will take me a second or two to get through them.

Please stay tuned and I will add more images and tell you where the short can be viewed!

Hope you enjoy!

Male creature aka Brad

Doctor Dipple aka Gene

Taylor showing Gene how its done!

This is basically what Taylor looked like all day

Gene chilling out before early in the day...

Every director needs a baseball cap, right??!?!

This is me taking a break from behind to camera to give Cletus, my roommates cat, some love!

Those brothers definitely know how to scare the rest of the world...

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